

Before you install REDUCEME, make sure that PGPLOT and CFITSIO are already installed in your system. If this is not the case, you must download PGPLOT, and CFITSIO.

Some details about how I do typically install PGPLOT and CFITSIO under Linux and Mac OS X are given here for PGPLOT, and here for CFITSIO.

REDUCEME Installation

To install REDUCEME you need to perform the following steps:

1.- Download the latest distribution from github:

$ git clone

2.- Enter into the directory reduceme and prepare the code to be compiled

$ autoreconf -s -i -f
$ ./configure --program-prefix=R5-


Mac users can easily indicate a different Fortran compiler using ./configure F77=gfortran-mp-13 CC=gcc-mp-13 --program-prefix=R5-.


If you find problems at this step detecting PGPLOT, you can help configure by setting the expected location. For example:

$ ./configure  --program-prefix=R5- LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib"


I strongly suggest to use --program-prefix=R5- in order to add a prefix to all the REDUCEME programs. Although it is not strictly necessary, it avoids potential name collisions with other software packages.


Since Fortran 77 statically declares the dimensions of the arrays at compilation time, you may need to declare the maximum size of the expected arrays while running configure:

$ ./configure --program-prefix=R5- NCMAX=4096 NSMAX=4096

3.- Compile the code:

$ make

4.- Install the package in the system (you may need root privileges):

$ sudo make install